A CHIP-8 emulator written in Rust.
This crate depends on the rust-sdl2 library. Please refer to their readme to find instructions on how to install SDL for each platform.
Once the SDL dependency is satisfied, the emulator can be launched with:
cargo run path/to/rom
There are some additional options to set the emulation frequency and pixel size:
Usage: rchip8 [OPTIONS] <ROM>
<ROM> ROM to execute
-f, --freq <FREQ> emulated CPU frequency [default: 500]
-p, --pixel <PIXEL> size of pixels [default: 10]
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
The CHIP-8 keypad is binded to the following keys:
|1|2|3|C| -> |1|2|3|4|
|4|5|6|D| -> |Q|W|E|R|
|7|8|9|E| -> |A|S|D|F|
|A|0|B|F| -> |Z|X|C|V|