I created a Django app that consumes the API, and provides a web-based ui to see some cameras and then show 20 images from one. The actual fetching is done by leveraging gevent.pool to ensure there are 5 downloads ocurring concurrently.
The project was created using python 3.7, Django and anaconda (version 3).
The environment.yml file that I used is included so that it can be run anywhere
conda env create
ran from within the root folder. default name is EagleEyeTest
conda activate EagleEyeTest
and finally run the Django project
python manage.py runserver
I added a pdf file with some documentation here: EagleEyeNetwork(48hr).pdf
This is the second "version" of this skill test (at the 48 hr mark), the first one (at the 24 hr mark) can be found here: https://github.com/loucho/image-download
A live version of this project (running on a EBS instance in AWS) can be found here: http://django-env.nqzhivpfhv.us-west-2.elasticbeanstalk.com/cameras/