Example for Spriter Haxe Engine : https://github.com/loudoweb/SpriterHaxeEngine
Install it:
haxelib install SpriterHaxeEngine
Configure it:
//set the root canvas where to add all the animations
var canvas:BitmapData = new BitmapData(800, 480);
var spriterRoot:Bitmap = new Bitmap(canvas, PixelSnapping.AUTO, true);
//you can use a different library to feet your needs. This one use BitmapData.copypixels() and BitmapData.draw()
var lib:BitmapLibrary = new BitmapLibrary('assets/', canvas);
//here is the engine : it will update all your Spriter's entities
engine = new SpriterEngine(Assets.getText('assets/test.scml'), lib, null );
//to add and entity
engine.addEntity('entityName', x, y);
//set the "run" animation of the entity
engine.getEntity('entityName').playAnim('run', myCallback);
//apply the "gun" map of the entity
engine.getEntity('entityName').applyCharacterMap('gun', true);
//update on enter frame
//callback on end anim
function myCallback(s:Spriter, anim:String):Void{}
Demo Assets
There are some demo assets in this library. There were made with Spriter b7. So it may not be compatible with SpriterHaxeEngine (currently b6.1 support)