This application is a resource for finding and purchasing broadway theatre tickets and then pairing it with a restaurant that is nearby. The app uses 4 APIsL: SeatGeek for tickets, Yelp for restaurants, Google Maps for directions and OpenWeather for current weather.
[Dinner And A show] (
On initial load, the site automatically displays a selection of popular shows for the user to choose from.
Otherwise the user can search for a specific show they are interested in.
After the user selects (or searches) a show, they can then find a restaurant nearby.
After selecting a show and restaurant the user gets directions and weather for the evening.
- Javascript
- jQuery
- Bootstrap
- SeatGeek API
- Yelp API
- Google Maps API
- Open Weather API
Louis Hellinger - Site Design, Front End Design, CSS, HTML, Bootstrap, Javascript, jQuery, SeatGeek API
Kaitlyn Folsom - Javascript, jQuery, Google Maps API, Open Weather API, CSS, HTML, Boostrap,SeatGeek API
Anthony DiTomasso - Javascript, jQuery, Yelp API, SeatGeek API, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
Charles Dunn - Javascript, jQuery, Yelp API, SeatGeek API