Urban Attire is an e-commerce website where people can buy from wide range of products and has an interactive UI. We are a one stop shop for all your fashion and lifestyle needs.
A Collaborative project built by a team of 4 executed in 5 days.
- Deployed Link:- Enjoy the Experience
- CSS3
- Local Storage
No External Libraries has been used.
- Authentication process undercover with Local Storage.
- Dynamic Products, Wishlist page using locally created json data.
- All the product description, prices, discounts, are updated in real time.
- Landing page UI consisting of megadrown navbar, carasouel, animated image cards and authentications i.e.; Login & Register
- Implementation of local storage on authentications
- Address, payment, checkout done with using local storage concepts and raw css (No external libraries has been implemented for the same to have a effect !!)
- 👤 Love Porwal
- 👤 Vivek Kumar
- 👤 AnmolSahota
- 👤 Shrishambho