Gardenia is a greenhouse automation system designed to run on a Raspberry Pi. It collects data from various sensors and modules, and can automate actions such as watering, heating and taking pictures based on conditions.
This project was done as a volunteer for a high school in France.
This project is designed to run on a Raspberry Pi with:
- Raspberry camera
- Netatmo weather station and its modules
- TP-link Tapo P100
A TP-link Tapo account and a Netatmo account are required to use this project. An additional Wifi dongle is required to create a hotspot if a separate network is wanted for modules.
- Data graphs
- Manage automation targets and rules
- Camera stream and pictures
- History
- System and user management
Use Raspberry Pi imager to install Raspbian Lite.
Open a shell (using SSH or directly on the Pi) and run the following commands:
# Perform upgrade
apt update
apt upgrade -y
apt autoremove -y
# Install pycamera2
apt install -y git python3-picamera2 python3-pip
python3 -c 'import picamera2;print(picamera2)'
# Install pyp100
pip install git+ --break-system-packages
python3 -c 'import PyP100;print(PyP100)'
# Install deno
curl -fsSL | sh
echo 'export DENO_INSTALL="/root/.deno"' >> $HOME/.bashrc
echo 'export PATH="$DENO_INSTALL/bin:$PATH"' >> $HOME/.bashrc
source $HOME/.bashrc
deno --version
# Set wifi country
raspi-config nonint do_wifi_country FR
# Enable and configure hotspot
nmcli device wifi hotspot ssid raspi password hotspot_password ifname wlan0
nmcli connection down Hotspot
nmcli connection modify Hotspot ipv4.addresses
nmcli connection up Hotspot
# Install gardenia services
mkdir /gardenia
git clone /gardenia
cp /gardenia/app/server/gardenia_app.service /etc/systemd/system/gardenia_app.service
cp /gardenia/app/server/gardenia_ctl.service /etc/systemd/system/gardenia_ctl.service
systemctl daemon-reload