A caching reverse proxy designed for acting as a proxy for package managers. Optionally supports generating self-signed certificates on the fly to allow caching of https resources.
Currently supported:
- Apt/Ubuntu
- RubyGems
- Composer
- Npm
- Docker Registry
Via Docker:
docker run --tty --interactive --rm --publish 3142:3142 lox24/package-proxy:latest
As a binary:
go get github.com/lox/package-proxy
By default package-proxy will only run the http proxy, to enable the https proxy:
$GOBIN/package-proxy -tls
Where possible, Package Proxy is designed to work as an https/http proxy, so under Linux you should be able to configure it with:
export http_proxy=http://localhost:3142
export https_proxy=http://localhost:3142
Because Package Proxy uses generated SSL certificates (effectively a MITM attack), you need to install the certificate that it generates as a trusted root. Do not do this unless you understand the security implications.
Under Ubuntu:
cp packageproxy-ca.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/package-proxy.crt
Apt will respect https_proxy
, but if you'd rather configure it manually
echo 'Acquire::http::proxy "https://x.x.x.x:3142/";' >> /etc/apt/apt.conf
echo 'Acquire::https::proxy "https://x.x.x.x:3142/";' >> /etc/apt/apt.conf
The provided Dockerfile
will build a development environment. The code will be compiled on every run, so you only need to use --build
./docker.sh --build --dev
Releasing is a bit complicated as it needs to be built under osx and linux:
export GITHUB_TOKEN=xzyxzyxzyxzyxzy
# under osx
release/release-github.sh v0.6.0 darwin-amd64 package-proxy-darwin-amd64
# now for linux
./docker.sh --build-linux
release/release-github.sh v0.6.0 linux-amd64 package-proxy-linux-amd64
# now the docker image
release/release-docker.sh v0.6.0