This is a ring-shaped genome assembler for Pacbio Reads.It uses HBAR_lpp or spari to do error-correct and then do addtional assembly.Its designed to assemble bacterial genome by one-button process and guess all plasmid.It could also use reference sequence to do reference-assist assembly and trim possible misassembly
- main wrapper script
- Config.ini ---- Configure file Please Download the total directory and then modify the Config.ini to fullfill you environment!!
Celera Assembler Please install Celera Assemberl through source file. When you install Celera Assembler, you need to modify the source code. In AS_global.h in src directory of Celera Assembler, change from
to support reads longer than 2048bp
- Bash5 Package
- pbdagcon Package or Sprai Package
- blat
- Mummer Installation
Download the whole directory and then unzip it.Modify Config.ini File. The detail is as follow:
CELEDIR = #The directory ZTPG installed
NUCMER= #nucmer location for mummer
DELTAFILTER = # delta-filter location for mummer
SHOWCOORDS = show-coords # show-coords location for mummer
CELERAASSEMBLER = /pub/SOFTWARE/Pacbio/smrtanalysis/current/analysis/bin/wgs-7.0/Linux-amd64/bin/ #Celera Assembler binary location
BLAT = blat # blat location
Typing on the command line will give you a list of options.
- Some Typical use cases:*