This is the source codes of Hashing for Localization (HfL): A Baseline for Efficiently Searching A Large-Scale Scene for Specific Objects.
NVIDIA GPU + CUDA and corresponidng Pytorch framework (v0.4.1)
Python 3.6
The dataset is aviliable though the following link: SpaceNet_data. The password is 3ipr
. The dataset contains three subset: database set, train set and test set. Additionally,we release the 24 large-scale images as follows: SpaceNet-24. The password is ly92.
python --data_name SpaceNet --hash_bit 64 --gpus 0,1 --model_type resnet18 --lambda1 0 --lambda2 0.05 --R 50
You should set
database_list = 'data/' + args.data_name + '/train.txt'
and then
python --data_name SpaceNet --gpus 0,1 --R 50 --model_name 'name'
You should set
database_list = 'data/' + args.data_name + '/database.txt'
and then
python --data_name SpaceNet --gpus 0,1 --R 50 --model_name 'name'