Common data about Belgium, freely available and maintained in Python.
This currently includes a list of Belgian places in multiple languages with zip codes.
DISCLAIMER: This comes with no warranty at all. We are still discussing whether this package is meaningful.
Usage example:
>>> from import root
>>> belgium = root()
>>> print(', '.join([ for x in belgium.children]))
Bruxelles, Région flamande, Région wallonne
>>> print(', '.join([ for x in belgium.children]))
Brussel, Vlaams Gewest, Wallonië
>>> wallonia = belgium.children[2]
>>> print(', '.join([ for x in wallonia.children]))
Namur, Liège, Hainaut, Limbourg, Brabant wallon
>>> print(', '.join([ for x in wallonia.children]))
Namen, Luik, Henegouwen, Limburg, Waals-Brabant
The following number will decrease when we continue to change "city" entries into "village" or "township" entries:
>>> liege = wallonia.children[1]
>>> len(liege.children)
>>> eupen = liege.get(fr="Eupen")
>>> print(eupen.zip_code)