This scrapes all magic items from the D&D Beyond Magic Items pages and outputs it into a JSON:
"id": "2188377",
"name": "Abracadabrus",
"rarity": "Very Rare",
"type": "Wondrous Item"
"id": "2400459",
"name": "Absorbing Tattoo",
"rarity": "Very Rare",
"type": "Wondrous Item"
"id": "1434250",
"name": "Acheron Blade",
"rarity": "Rare",
"type": "Weapon"
"id": "5370",
"name": "Adamantine Armor",
"rarity": "Uncommon",
"type": "Armor"
- Add source book detail
- Make a magic_item class
Add master JSON- Rewrite parsePage function to return a list of dict rather than depend on global variable
- Rewrite fetchPage function to not depend on global variable