All code is compiled and run in this environment
- wgpu - 0.16
- rustc - 1.64.0
- windows - 21H1
- GPU - GTX 1650
- CPU - Intel Core i5-10200H
Completed List
- ch02 wgpu Basics
- sc01 first_triangle
- sc04 triangle_vertex_color
- ch03 wgpu Primitives
- sc01 point_line
- sc02 triangles
- ch04 GPU Buffers
- sc02 triangle
- sc03 square
- sc04 square_index
- ch05 3D Transformations
- sc01 scaling
- sc01 translation
- sc01 rotation
- sc01 transforms
- sc02 view_projection
- ch06 3D Shapes and Camera
- sc02 line3d
- sc03 cube_face_color
- sc04 cube_vertex_color
- sc05 rotate_cube
- sc06 camera_control
- ch07 3D Wireframe Shapes
- sc02 cube
- sc03 sphere
- sc04 cylinder
- sc05 cone
- sc06 torus
- ch08 Lighting in WGPU
- sc06 cube
- sc07 sphere
- sc08 cylinder
- sc09 cone
- sc10 torus
- ch09 Colormaps and 3D Surfaces
- sc04 sinc
- sc04 peaks
- sc05 klein_bottle
- sc05 wellenkugel
- sc05 seashell
- sc05 sievert_enneper
- sc05 breathe
- ch10 Textures
- sc01
- ch11 3D Surface Charts
- sc01
- ch12 Creating Multiple Objects
- sc01
- ch13 Compute Shaders and Particle
- sc01
- ch14 Visualizing Complex Functions
- sc01