- This is GNamimates's Avatar (which is me), for the Minecraft mod Figura.
- This avatar holds scripts and libraries I share and use, and the development repository for my UI library GNUI.
- The scripts in this Avatar is cleanly coded with quality. even though its mainly for me and I understand it already, I still add comments just in case someone like you digs though my files.
- you can take ANYTHING in this Avatar as your own, and follow my LICENSE.
- tl;dr you can take whatever you want from here, but keep my thing at the top of scripts (figura trims them off automatically so they wont take storage). and specify your changes in your own copy of the files in question.
- you are allowed to use it locally, but you are NOT allowed to upload it into Figura's cloud nor impersonate me without my knowledge.
in that note, enjoy digging though my scripts and use them as your own.
This is a compilation of my Avatar rewrites. each one is displayed as: "Generation number. Code Name", and a description of why I rewritted or whats the goal.
- This Avatar being mainly for GNUI and showing its capabilities.
- This Avatar focused so much on GNUI that this avatar is the turning point from the old and basic GNUI to the big and andvanced GNUI. GNUI went from allowing a few squares to be placed somewhere on the screen with text to now having buttons. auto arangers, text input fields, a theming system, with alot of parts rewritten and made easier to interact with.
- Some feature of this avatar rly on the Goofy Figura plugin.
5th. Jus GN [Source]
- This avatar aims to be better at quality of code.
- the first attempts of GNUI exists in this repository. serving as a replacement for Panels from the 4th Generation. and allowing for more advanced panels, such as Vector 3 inputs, a panel inside a panel(recursive paneling) and textures.
- while the panel replacement via GNUI was a success, works and is usable, it completely ignored one of the main features of GNUI: the crappy input system. this is because while GNUI does indeed have an input system built in, it is very bare bones and buggy.
- Some parts of the avatar rely on the Extura verion of Figura.
4th. Just GN [Source]
- This avatar aims to be as "cosmetic" as possible that I can, but at a cost of code quality very low and messy. the avatar allowed me to customize clothes, which goes on top of what, Face expressions and a cool pose, with a cool sword that swings when I hold a diamond sword.
- This avatar also contains the first instance of the library "Panels" which is a replacement for the action wheel, which I hate.
- Panels is controlled by the action wheel button and the scroll wheel only, aiming to be a quick and easy control menu, allowing the user to keep moving while theyre interacting with the panels.
- This avatar aimed to my fully animated avatar, soon regretting it due to minecraft having multiple states a player can be. mainly the amount of combinations the player can be in and situation.
- The uploaded file of this avatar is missing due to it being in the showcase channel of the discord server that was deleted
- This avatar is one of the first avatars ive made in Figura when it was rewritten from scratch, and while I was still very new to the concept of lua.
- the avatar holds nothing but my sword and my eyes blinking.
- This avatar was my first Figura avatar, being my skin but fully grayscale and shiny, and is the only female personal avatar for me.
- This avatar was fully animated but with only a few situations, causing some situations to look janky
- This Avatar is the most expressive avatar out of everything in this history list.