try it [on-line] ( or:
- download the [latest version] (
- extract the files
- open the htlm page locally in your browser
- type your tweet and click the button to shorten it
- copy your shortened tweet and tweet it
- you can change the Tweeeeeeeeeet instructions as much as you like, to save the changes you need to edit the html page and change the textarea
- the syntax should be pretty intuitive, if that was true I should not need to add the next two points
- shortening instructions are evaluated following their order starting from the first one, until the tweet fit the 140 character limit
- when the shortened string on the right is not lower case, its case is preserved otherwise the original string case (upper, lower or capital) is used instead
- this is still a beta version, send your feedback [here] ( and [here] (
- when the user edit and then save the Tweeeeeeeeeet instructions, a copy of the changed instructions are stored in the server
- todo: add automatic JSLint check script.
- PEG.js used to create the parser of the Tweeeeeeeeeet instructions
- for the tests in the spec folder
- for the copy to clipboard flash library
- for the check of the JavaScript code quality