An Elixir library to interface with the BME680 and BME280 environmental sensors. The BME680 provides measurements of temperature, pressure, humidity, and gas resistance (which is a proxy of indoor air quality). The BME280 is a lower cost device that only provides measurements of temperature, pressure, humidity.
The package can be installed
by adding elixir_bme680
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:elixir_bme680, "~> 0.2.2"}
The Linux I2C driver needs to be installed for this library to work (e.g.
on Debian). If using Nerves, the
driver should already be installed by default.
Depending on your hardware configuration, you may need to specify options to Bme680.start_link/2
or Bme280.start_link/2
For example, the i2c address of the sensor can be 0x76
or 0x77
{:ok, pid} = Bme680.start_link(i2c_address: 0x76)
measurement = Bme680.measure(pid)
# Measurement is like:
# %Bme680.Measurement{
# temperature: 21.74,
# pressure: 1090.52,
# humidity: 45.32,
# gas_resistance: 10235
# }
# Where temperature is in degrees Celsius, pressure in hPa, humidity in %
# relative humidity, and gas_resistance in Ohm
For more information, read the API documentation.
The default setting has been tested on the Pimoroni
BME680. The Adafruit
BME680 requires using a different i2c
address. For the Adafruit, pass in the i2c_address
option with value 0x77
Bme680.start_link(i2c_address: 0x77)
Note that, due to the nature of the BME680 gas resistance sensor, the gas resistance measurement needs a warm-up in order to give stable measurements. One possible strategy is to perform continuous meaurements in a loop until the value stabilizes. That might take from a few seconds to several minutes (or more when the sensor is brand new).
{:ok, pid} = Bme280.start_link(i2c_address: 0x76)
measurement = Bme280.measure(pid)
# Measurement is like:
# %Bme280.Measurement{
# temperature: 21.74,
# pressure: 30.52,
# humidity: 45.32
# }
# Where temperature is in degrees Celsius, pressure in inHg, humidity in %
# relative humidity
For more information, read the API documentation.
The default setting has been tested on the HiLetgo BME280.
This project contains low-level code from the BME680 driver by Bosch and the BME280 driver by Bosch.