To access the example application click here
The Zyper application displays videos from the Zype WEB API, if a video required a subscription, a sign in page will be prompted when trying to access tthis video page.
After the sign in (which is done via Zype WEB API too) the user can see the detailed video page (and of course, for the videos that don't require a subscription, their detailed pages can be accessed without the need to sign in).
- Ruby 2.4.2
- Ruby on Rails 5.1
- Zype SDK
- Materialize SASS
- RSpec
- FactoryGirl
- DatabaseCleaner
The Zyper application was built following principles like thin controllers and Domain Driven Design. Also to uncouple somethings a gem was created just to do the communication beetween the Zype WEB API, and it's called zype-sdk.
The application has only four actions which are described below: