📫 How to reach me: lucasmilhoranca@outlook.com
💻 I'm studing Information Systems at FIPP
Javascript | Typescript | Node.js | Spring | Fastify | NestJs |
React | Tailwindcss | Kafka | Docker | C | Kubernetes |
Postgresql | Go | Redis | MongoDB | Java | RabbitMQ |
📫 How to reach me: lucasmilhoranca@outlook.com
💻 I'm studing Information Systems at FIPP
Javascript | Typescript | Node.js | Spring | Fastify | NestJs |
React | Tailwindcss | Kafka | Docker | C | Kubernetes |
Postgresql | Go | Redis | MongoDB | Java | RabbitMQ |
Minha primeira api utilizando Go. Api para controle de tarefas (todos) utilizando banco de dados postgres com docker.
API Desenvolvida para o Grupo Gasparim
My personal links page, a simple and minimalist project to organize my favorite websites. Easily add, edit, and delete links. Responsive layout for a great experience on any device.
This C project focuses on implementing data structures such as stacks, queues, and linked lists to simulate task execution on a processor. Ideal for learning and practicing fundamental data structu…
Uma api para gestão de participantes de eventos presenciais feita em Java utilizando Spring Boot e o banco de dados HyperSQL.
It's an URL shortening API built with Fastify, PostgreSQL, and Redis. Users can shorten long URLs for easier sharing.