A digital twin representation, simulation of forests and their impact analysis.
Install GUS from PyPi:
$ pip install pyGus==2.1.2
You can use, Poetry as well:
$ poetry add pyGus
You can create and use a virtualenv easily with pyenv
and poetry
See: pyenv on github
brew update &&
brew install readline xz &&
brew install pyenv
Add those to your ~/.bashrc
or ~/.zshrc
(or any profiler you use)
eval "$(pyenv init -)"
eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"
Install a specific python version:
$ PY_VERSION = 3.9.17 # or 3.8.13 or 3.10.12, whichever you like :)
$ pyenv install $PY_VERSION
Then set this as your system global (or local) version
$ pyenv global $PY_VERSION
and install poetry
$ pip install poetry
Sidenote: We recommend to store your poetry virtualenvs within the project directory for ease of access to source code, etc.
$ poetry config virtualenvs.in-project true
Finally, install dependencies using
$ poetry install
Stick to PEP8 rules for code development. To do the checks, you can run code checks with Black
Once you're done with developing on your branch, before pushing your changes, please run:
$ poetry run black .
The code is tested by through pytest
, which is included in the requirements.txt
. You can manually install it with the command:
$ pip3 install pytest
And run the tests:
$ pytest
All tests are in the tests/
The GUS is currently developed and maintained by Lucidminds
- The GUS is open for PRs.
- PRs will be reviewed by the current maintainers of the project.
- Extensive development guidelines will be provided soon.
- To report bugs, fixes, and questions, please use the GitHub issues.