- Saves reddit posts into json
- Parse and clean posts/comments
- Summarize posts/comments
- Reddit developper access
- OogaBooga API access Informations must be filled into a json credentials file, format : { "client_id":"", "client_secret":"", "user_agent":"", "host": "", "subreddits": ["", ""] }
python3 RedditReader.py credentials_path saves_path post_limit python3 RawParser.py filename.json python3 Summarizer.py credentials.json parsed_yyMMdd.json
{ "date": "230903", "subList": [ "sub1", "sub2" ], "data": { "sub1": { "123abc": { "id": "123abc", "title": "post_title", "created_utc": 1693717143.0, "selftext": "post_text", "comments": { "dddddd": { "id": "dddddd", "body": "comment_text", "created_utc": 1693717144.0 }, "eeeeee": { "id": "eeeeee", "body": "comment_text", "created_utc": 1693717144.0 } } } } } }
{ "date": "230903", "subList": [ "sub1", "sub2" ], "data": { "123abc": "parsed post and comments" } }
same as parsed format
RedditReader > RawParser > Summarizer