Vassal is a simple security-free server that allows you to execute commands on a remote host. It's not meant to be something similar to vnc, rdp, ssh or others. Just see it as it is: a vassal ready to execute your orders. It can press keys, type strings, open files&URLs or execute shell commands.
mvn clean install
mvn clean install -Pdockerize -Dprefix=PREFIX -Ddocker.registry=URL_OF_DOCKER_REGISTRY
java -jar vassal.jar 12345
This will start a server accepting commands on port 12345.
In order to connect to the server do:
telnet ip_of_host_where_server_is_running 12345
Start sending commands.
docker pull PREFIX/vassal
docker run -d -p 12345:12345 -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix PREFIX/vassal
If you have issues with X11 while running through Docker, please do a xhost +
in order to make remote connections possible.
Once connected to the server using a telnet client, just type ?
and you will get the list of all available commands.