In general when coding, the following should allways be considered:
- Allways create easy understandable, readable code. This is key.
- Allways consider the next developer taking over your project when you are writing code.
- Allways evaluate every library you import:
- This will become blackbox code
- Would i want to extend this and any point, and is the library extendable
- What benefit will this give me in the long run, compared to developing it myself
- Is the performance and features of the library satisfying.
- Code should allways be written so its isolated, and easy modular/reusable.
- Logging is crusual.
- A program without logging is not a production ready program.
- Logging and tracability should be one of the bases of any applications we make.
We use the principles of BEM in our CSS structure.
For now, typescript and javascript share the designguide.