Pseudo FS for accessing your Spotify music
- browsing your playlists
- reading files (playback in external players) - partially done
- browsing music (artists, albums, etc)
- creating playlists
- maybe something more :)
Building process is quite simple:
cd spotifs
mkdir build
cd buidld
cmake ..
make spotifs
You need only few libraries to build spotifs:
- fuse
- glib
- pthread
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=spotifs/libspotify-12.1.51-Linux-x86_64-release/lib ./spotifs -u username -p password mount/point
currently I'm using moc player and cp/dd utility. :) The problem is that other players (VLC for example) are trying to read files more or less randomly. Spoitfs in current shape can't handle seeks so when VLC try to read chunk of data at the end of the file, it hangs for a long time.