Tool containing a collection of Syntax Transformers
capable of rewriting C# code syntax from the AST level. Transformers analyze syntax from the AST and perform updates based on the evaluated nodes / node types. Syntax Transformations are built using Roslyn Analyzers
The transformers are intended to allow quickly creating new projects by auto-generating boiler plate code.
After adding the package source the project can be installed similar to any nuget package.
dotnet tool install SyntaxTransformer -v <target_version>
The tool can then be ran using the dotnet
cli such as:
dotnet syntax-transformer <target-directory>
Given an ASP.NET Controller class such as:
public HomeController : ControllerBase
private readonly DataContext _context;
public IActionResult GetViewModel() => Ok(_context.ViewModels.FirstOrDefault());
Will be transformed to
public HomeController : ControllerBase
private readonly DataContext _context;
[ProducesResponseType(typeof(OkObjectResult), 200)]
public IActionResult GetViewModel() => Ok(_context.ViewModels.FirstOrDefault());