This repository contains ready-to-use computer vision C++ libraries developed at the VisioTec research group, CTI Renato Archer, Brazil. Further information about this group can be found here.
Click on the thumbnails to watch the videos on YouTube. These videos were created using the VisioTec Libraries in our ROS environment. This environment is also publicly available here.
- Intensity-based visual tracking with full 8-DoF homography
- Robust intensity-based visual tracking with full 8-DoF homography and occlusion handling
- Unified intensity- and feature-based visual tracking with full 8-DoF homography
The master branch contains libraries that have been tested both on Ubuntu 16.04 and on Ubuntu 18.04. To compile and use that branch, you must satisfy the following requirements:
- GCC version 5.4.1 or later
- CMake version 2.8.3 or later
- Git
This library depends on the OpenCV module xfeatures2d. For use with ROS Kinetic/Ubuntu 16.04, this module is automatically installed via official package repositories. For other cases, follow the instructions in these links:
The dependency on xfeatures2d is necessary because of the Feature detection algorithm. If you just want to use the intensity-based algorithms, you may use the v1 version of this repo.
There are two ways of getting our libraries. You can either use the releases page or use git to clone the repo.
Using the latest release version allows you to use the most stable version of our code. Follow the instructions on the releases page for the installation details.
Cloning the repository allows you to be up-to-date with the latest -- but possibly unstable -- changes in our codebase. You should be familiar with Git to use this option. You can get more information about it in here. To clone and compile, use the following instructions.
git clone
Compile the examples code with the following commands:
cd vtec
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
This library contains a set of classes that estimate the homography that relates two images of a planar scene.
The technical report available here describes the software and its working principles. If you use this software, please cite the technical report using:
author = {Lucas Nogueira and Ely de Paiva and Geraldo Silveira},
title = {Visio{T}ec robust intensity-based homography optimization software},
number = {CTI-VTEC-TR-01-19},
institution = {CTI},
year = {2019},
address = {Brazil}
After compiling, run the following commands from the root of the repository.
- Homography Optimizer:
$ ./build/ibg_optimize_homography_example
- Visual Tracking:
$ ./build/ibg_tracker_example
- Visual Tracking with Predictor:
$ ./build/ibg_tracker_with_predictor_example
- Visual Tracking Robust to Partial Occlusion:
$ ./build/ibg_tracker_robust_example
- Unified Visual Tracking:
$ ./build/unified_tracker_example
More details on the examples can be found on the technical report.
IBGHO Technical Report: vtec_ibgho_TR.pdf
VisioTec ROS package:
Geraldo Silveira's website:
This software is being made available for research purposes only. See the LICENSE file in this directory for conditions of use.
This work was supported in part by the CAPES under Grant 88887.136349/2017-00, in part by the FAPESP under Grant 2017/22603-0, and in part by the InSAC (CNPq under Grant 465755/2014-3 and FAPESP under Grant 2014/50851-0).
Please report bugs and request features using the Issue Tracker.