This is a Coding Dojo challenge to practice TDD based on the first steps of libft.
If you don't know what a Coding Dojo maybe you can find out some good information here (use google translator if necessary 😛).
If you don't know what libft is, probably you should not be here. Try exploring deeply about 42 São Paulo and passing the piscine before trying this Dojo. 😜
The Dojo starts with ft_isalpha. It starts broken on purpose. After you finish ft_isalpha we recommend following this sequence of challenges:
- isalpha
- isdigit
- isalnum
- isascii
- isprint
- strlen
To run the tests you can use this command line:
gcc ../src/ft_isalpha.c ./test_ft_isalpha.c -o libft.test && ./libft.test