You need to an AAD token to use AzureResourceMap with at least Reader scope over the resource-groups. Here's an example that:
- will get a token
- use the Custom Github Action to generate a diagram
- publish the diagram as an artefact.
- name: "Get access token"
id: token
run: |
token=$(az account get-access-token --query accessToken -o tsv --query "accessToken")
echo "::add-mask::$token"
echo "::set-output name=token::$token"
- name: graemefoster-azurediagrams-action
uses: graemefoster/AzureResourceMap@v0.5.17
subscriptionId: ${{ secrets.AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID }}
resourceGroup: "*-grf-*"
outputFileName: "azurediagram.drawio"
accessToken: ${{ steps.token.outputs.token }}
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: diagram
path: ./azurediagram.drawio
Property | Required | Description |
subscriptionId | Yes | Subscription Id to run against |
resourceGroup | Yes | Wildcard enabled resource group name (supports multiple) |
accessToken | Yes | Optional JWT to avoid using CLI credential |
condensed | Yes | True collapses private endpoints into subnets (can simplify large diagrams) |
inferConnections | Yes | True to infer connections by introspecting AppSettings |
outputFileName | Yes | Name of generated file. Gets written to working directory |
az login
az account set --subscription "<subscription-name>"
dotnet AzureDiagrams.dll --subscription-id <subscription-id> --resource-group <resource-group> --resource-group <resource-group> --output c:/temp/
Flag | Required | Description |
--tenant-id | No | Tenant Id (defaults to current Azure CLI) |
--subscription | Yes | Subscription Id to run against |
--resource-group | Yes | Wildcard enabled resource group name (supports multiple) |
--output | Yes | Folder to output diagram to |
--condensed | No | True collapses private endpoints into subnets (can simplify large diagrams) |
--no-infer | No | True to infer connections by introspecting AppSettings |
--token | No | Optional JWT to avoid using CLI credential |
--output-file-name | No | Name of generated file. Defaults to resource-group name |
AzureDiagrams queries the Azure Resource Management APIs to introspect resource-groups. It then uses a set of strategies to enrich the raw data, building a model that can be projected into other formats.
It's not 100% guaranteed to be correct but it should give a good first pass at fairly complex architectures/
To layout the components I use the amazing AutomaticGraphLayout library.
There are many, many Azure services not yet covered. I'll try and put a table here of what is covered, and how comprehensive it is covered.
The initial version supports Draw.IO diagrams.