Parse American Express EPTRN (transaction) and CBNOT (chargeback) files in Python
$ pip install pyxmex
The EPTRN or CBNOT parser can be instantiated with no args to use the default EPTRN config, or you can pass a path to a config file. The #process method is called with the location of the raw file you want parsed.
from pyxmex import EPTRNParser
parser = EPTRNParser()
parsed = parser.process('MYCOMPANY.EPTRN')
# => 'DUMT1234'
from pyxmex import CBNOTParser
parser = CBNOTParser()
parsed = parser.process('MYCOMPANY.CBNOT')
# => 'DUMT1234'
The joiner can be used to join different sections of the result.
from pyxmex import Joiner
def join_condition(left_instance, right_instance):
return left_instance['TLRR_PAYMENT_NUMBER'] == right_instance['PAYMENT_NUMBER']
joined = Joiner.left_outer_join_sections(
joined[0]['PAYMENT_NUMBER'] == joined[0]['TLRR_PAYMENT_NUMBER']
# => True