This is a script which check a service status to make sure that it is running. If the service is off, this script will start it to keep the service running.
WARNING: You have to execute this application as root or another user which is allowed to execute commands to manage services, such as systemctl.
$ sudo su -
$ cd /tmp/
$ wget
$ unzip; cd sup-master
$ mv sup /usr/local/bin
$ sup --help
$ sup --help
keepup Try to KEEP the service UP
-h, --help Show this help
-v, --verbose Verbosely list processed
--usage Give a short usage message
--version Print program version
sup keepup httpd --verbose
sup keepup mariadb -v
sup keepup firewalld -v
sup --help
You might use this program in your crontab
Cron example:
*/15 * * * * /usr/local/bin/sup mariadb keepup
The line above execute every 15 minutes to check the MariaDB service
For more details see 'man crontab'
$ sup --usage
Usage: sup {keepup} <SERVICE> [--help] [--verbose] [--usage] [--version]
sup keepup httpd --verbose
sup keepup mariadb -v
sup keepup firewalld
sup --help
$ sup --version
sup version 0.2
GNU License <>.
This is a free software! You are allowed to change and redistribute it for free.
Written by Luan Rodrigues -
- Red Hat 7
- Centos 7
- Fedora 7