My name is Guadalupe Tovar Mendoza [How to pronounce my name]
⚡ Fun fact: Lupita is a nickname for Guadalupe, and it is often what I go by.
😄 Pronouns:she/her/ella
I am a NSF MPS-Ascend Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Johns Hopkins University. I earned a dual-title PhD in Astronomy and Astrobiology from the University of Washington. I am interested in the relationship between stars and planets, mainly how stellar magnetic activty affects our ability to detect and characterize exoplanets.
🔭 I’m currently working on:
- Modeling stellar flares (You can find and use the flare template here)
- Understanding multi-wavelength flare properties using Kepler & TESS
- Modeling infrared flares using JWST
📫 How to reach me: