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LDOTiledView demo


  • Add LDOTiledView to your view hierarchy (you probably want to embed it into a UIScrollView).
  • Set maximumZoomLevel, imageSize and tileSize (details see below).
  • Implement the only method of LDOTiledViewDataSource
    func tiledView(_ tiledView: LDOTiledView, tileForRow row: Int, column: Int, zoomLevel: Int) -> UIImage?

UIScrollView Setup:

  • Embed the LDOTiledView in a UIScrollView.
  • Constrain its leading, top, trailing and bottom space to its container/superview (the UIScrollView).
  • Setup and implement a UIScrollViewDelegate.
  • Return the LDOTiledView instance from viewForZooming(in scrollView: UIScrollView) -> UIView?.

If you want to see an implementation of this, please check out the example app.

Zoom Level vs Zoom Scale

A typical use case for LDOTiledView is to be able to zoom into an image. This is done by embedding it in a UIScrollView. However UIScrollView.zoomScale refers to the content size (as area) and thus grows exponentially. Repeatadly doubling the size of an image, the zoom scale grows as follows: 1, 2, 4, 8.

LDOTiledView works with the more intuitive concept of zoom levels. In its smallest resolution an image is at zoom level 1. At twice the size it's at level 2, doubling the size again is level 3 and so on. The zoom level grows linearly and at every level the image is twice as large as on the previous level. This is also how tiled maps (Google Maps, OpenStreetMaps, etc) work.

Image Size

The image size refers to the image dimensions in points at the smallest zoom level.

The following table illustrates the relationship between image size and zoom level.

Zoom Level Image Size [pt] 2x Retina [px] 3x Retina [px]
1 410 x 890 820 x 1780 1230 x 2670
2 820 x 1780 1640 x 3560 2460 x 5340
3 1230 x 2670 2460 x 5340 3690 x 8010
4 1640 x 3560 3280 x 7120 4920 x 10680

That means to be able to zoom a full screen image on an iPhone Xs Max four times, you need a 52 MP source image. In this example maximumZoomLevel would be 4 and imageSize would be 410 x 890.

Tile Size

The general idea behind CATiledLayer and thus LDOTiledView is that instead of loading a huge image into memory at once, the image is split up in smaller sqares and only the squares that are currently visible are loaded. That means no matter how large the image is, roughly the same number of small squares are loaded at any given time. As result the memory consumption is (nearly) constant and independant of the image dimensions.

The tile size specifies the size of the small squares you sliced your large image into. It is defined in points. That means if you set your tile size to 256x256, your retina tiles have to be 512x512 px. Consequently non-Retina, Retina and Super Retina images are sliced into the same number of tiles.

Loading Tiles

A common complaint about the underlying CATiledLayer is that it sometimes displays black squares instead of image tiles. In our experience, this is actually not a problem of CATiledLayer, but caused by a failing image load. Sometimes UIImage(named:) will return nil if it's called too frequently. (This might be caused by the caching performed by UIImage(named:), and the fact that the tile loading happens asynchronously.) Loading the images as Data and creating the UIImage from that worked flawlessly for us. YMMV.

Generating Tiles

While there are no strict requirements on how you create your image tiles, we included a small Ruby script to get you started. It is based on libvips, so be sure to have that installed if you want to use it.

The script uses the input image for the largest zoom level at the highest scale (1x/2x/3x). It then scales the image down for all smaller zoom levels and scales.

The tiles of the earth example were created with this command:

$ ./gen_tiles.rb Example/Demo\ Images/Earth/earth.jpg -scale 2 -scale 3 -levels 4
Level 1 image size: 450 x 450

Check gen_tiles.rb --help for more details.


To run the example project:

  1. git clone

  2. cd LDOTiledView/Example/

  3. pod install

  4. open LDOTiledView.xcworkspace

  5. Trigger Build and then run the current scheme in Xcode


LDOTiledView is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'LDOTiledView'


Raschke & Ludwig GbR,


LDOTiledView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more information.


Inspired by and based on JCTiledScrollView.

The earth image in the example project comes from NASA's earth observatory: NASA Earth Observatory image by Robert Simmon, using Suomi NPP VIIRS imagery from NOAA's Environmental Visualization Laboratory. Suomi NPP is the result of a partnership between NASA, NOAA and the Department of Defense