gogen is a tool used to generate JSON structure definition automatically.
You can write json files to generate Go's struct definitions
use gogen you can get this go file:
package main
type T struct{
key3 string
key4 struct{
key4A float64
key4B []float64
key4C string
key4D struct{
key4DA string
key5 []string
key6 []struct{
key6A float64
key1 float64
key2 []float64
go get -v -u github.com/lwhile/gogen
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/lwhile/gogen
go build -o gogen cmd/cmd.go
./gogen -input /usr/local/Go/src/github.com/lwhile/gogen/main.json -output ./A.go
Or start gogen as a http service:
./gogen -web
Use fixed order
Add json tag
Import web front end page
Converts static file into managable Go source code