This is a simple module that implements the New-PartnerAccessToken command for the secure application model. This allows MSPs to run the vast magority of M365 scripts without having to load the full module. This provides PSCore compatibility and stops the conflicts between Partner Centre and other modules. It is designed to be a drop in replacement only needing you to add LW to existing PartnerCenter references.
This module has been published to the PowerShell Gallery. In your script edit:
"install-module PartnerCenter" to be "install-module PartnerCenterLW"
"import-module PartnerCenter" to be "import-module PartnerCenterLW"
No other changes should be needed.
Examples: For more context on how to use these commands I suggest you check out or my blog
Obtain an Azure AD Graph Token for your Tenant or a customer tenant
Import-Module PartnerCenterLW
$credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($ApplicationId, $ApplicationSecret)
$aadGraphToken = New-PartnerAccessToken -ApplicationId $ApplicationId -Credential $credential -RefreshToken $refreshToken -Scopes '' -ServicePrincipal -Tenant $tenantID
$CustAadGraphToken = New-PartnerAccessToken -ApplicationId $ApplicationId -Credential $credential -RefreshToken $refreshToken -Scopes "" -ServicePrincipal -Tenant $customer.CustomerContextId
Obtain a Graph Token for your Tenant or a customer tenant
$graphToken = New-PartnerAccessToken -ApplicationId $ApplicationId -Credential $credential -RefreshToken $refreshToken -Scopes '' -ServicePrincipal -Tenant $tenantID
$CustGraphToken = New-PartnerAccessToken -ApplicationId $ApplicationId -Credential $credential -RefreshToken $refreshToken -Scopes "" -ServicePrincipal -Tenant $customer.CustomerContextId
Obtain an Exchange Online Token for a client
$token = New-PartnerAccessToken -ApplicationId 'a0c73c16-a7e3-4564-9a95-2bdf47383716'-RefreshToken $ExchangeRefreshToken -Scopes '' -Tenant $customer.CustomerContextId
Alerternatively you can Paste the function directly in your code to avoid having to import the module at all
function New-PartnerAccessToken {
param (
if ($Credential) {
$bstr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($Credential.password)
$AppPassword = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($bstr)
$AuthBody = @{
client_id = $ApplicationId
scope = $Scopes
refresh_token = $RefreshToken
grant_type = "refresh_token"
client_secret = $AppPassword
else {
$AuthBody = @{
client_id = $ApplicationId
scope = $Scopes
refresh_token = $RefreshToken
grant_type = "refresh_token"
if ($tenant) {
$Uri = "$Tenant/oauth2/v2.0/token"
else {
$Uri = ""
try {
$ReturnCred = (Invoke-WebRequest -uri $Uri -ContentType "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -Method POST -Body $AuthBody -ea stop).content | convertfrom-json
catch {
Write-Error "Authentication Error Occured $_"
$ParsedCred = @{
AccessToken = $ReturnCred.Access_Token
Return $ParsedCred