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Compile .styl files into clojurescript modules.

Much of CSS is miserable- the syntax, the specificity rules, the cascading, etc. Preprocessors make some things much more tolerable, but they don't solve the most pressing problem: modularity. The new-ish css-modules is an attempt to make css more modular. Since I hate writing css so much, I wanted to go one step further and utilize stylus. Thus was born boot-stylus, a boot task to convert .styl files inside your :source-paths into cljs modules that can be brought in via the standard (:require []) scheme.

How to use

¡IMPORTANT! boot-stylus currently depends on node in order to run. As soon as someone decides to port a clojure css-modules generator, that dependency will go away.

List boot-stylus as a depencency:

  :dependencies '[[lwhorton/boot-stylus "0.0.2-SNAPSHOT" :scope "test"]])

Add stylus to your build task in the build.boot file:

  '[lwhorton.boot-stylus.core :refer [stylus]])

(deftask build []
    (target :dir #{"target"})))

Now any file inside :source-paths that ends in .styl will be compiled into a .cljs module. Namespaces are auto-generated following the convention /{path}/{to}/{file}.styl -> (ns {path}.{to_file}.{file}).

For example, my_project/my_feature/styles.styl will be compiled into my_project/my_feature/styles.cljs.


Given the stylus:

;; my_project/my_feature/styles.styl
  color blue

  color green

The generated module will look something like this:

;; my_project/my_feature/styles.cljs

(def .__foo__[hash] ".foo { color: blue; }")
(def .__bar__[hash] ".bar { color: green; }")

Which you can require from inside your clojurescript:

  (:require [ :as s]))

;; hiccup
(defn render []
    [:p {:class s/foo} "Goodbye css"]
    [:p {:class s/bar} "Hello stylus modules"]])

That will ultimately render the html:

    <p class="__foo__[hash]">Goodbye css</p>
    <p class="__bar__[hash]">Hello world</p>

How does it work?

Ultimately the compiled css is added to the DOM via an inline <style> tag. Each compiled cljs module utilizes a tiny runtime that handles adding/removing/updating styles tags. If a styl module is loaded into the browser, the runtime will look for an existing style tag corresponding to the module's name, and either generate a new tag, or update contents of an existing tag. Hashes are constructed in order to work with live-reloading tools such as figwheel or boot-reload.

Special Thanks

A special thanks to @micha and @martinklepsch who were instrumental in explaining the intricacies of boot (a great idea once you get to know it).


Compile .styl to .css (modules) via boot, stylus, and postcss.







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