Who's That Writin' Reveal.js Slide HTML?
Not me.
Relevator generates Reveal JS presentation decks from simplified (and easier to edit) YAML files.
Various things may be rough here and features are being added as they are needed, and I'm ok with that. Pull requests will be entertained.
Reveal.js is a pretty awesome framework for generating web-based slides.
This is what Reveal.js looks like: http://lab.hakim.se/reveal-js/#/
HTML you write typically looks like: https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js/blob/master/index.html
Except with Revelator, you can write simpler things like: https://github.com/mpdehaan/slide-the-revelator/blob/master/test.yml
Which is more the way I want to compose and tweak slides.
chmod +x write_it
vim test.yml
write_it test.yml my_presentation_directory
sensible-browser my_presentation_directory
- Setting the Title, Author, and Description
- HTML tags via shorthand
- Class notes
- Nested slides
- Changing background colors
- Changing transitions
- Images
- Hyperlinks
- Formatted Code Blocks
- Ordered and Unordered Lists
- Blockquotes
set_global options:
- fragment
- true
- false
- grow
- shrink
- "roll-in"
- "zoom-in"
- "highlight-blue|green|red"
- "highlight-current-blue|green|red"
- "fade-out" +/- "-visible"
- transition
- linear
- concave
- zoom
- cube
- page
- fade
Michael DeHaan