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A multi-threading versatile filter for VCF file

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A multi-threading versatile filter for VCF file, adapt especially for population genetic analysis.


--i [required]

input vcf/bcf file, gzipped accepted.

--o [required]

output vcf file.

--P [required]

a popMap file with two colums, corresponding to individual and population name, separated by tab, see popmap.txt.


individual coverage for each population, can be a ratio (<=1) or number (>1).


total genotyping rate for a site, can be a ratio (<=1) or number (>1).


minimum depth for each individual genotype.


maximum depth for a individual genotype.


maximum observed heterozygosity (Ho) of each population.


absolute maximum inbreeding coefficient (Fis) of each population.


minimum Genotype quality (GQ).


minimum quality for each SNP (Q).


global minor allele frequncy for a site.


local minor allele frequncy, if a population has this many minor allele, evaluated by the given value, then retain this site.


sites with a p-value below the threshold defined by this option are taken to be out of HWE, and therefore excluded.


apply the filter (--H and --F) on each site instead of each population.


number of threads.


sort the final vcf file, recommond on.


help message.


total Depth range for each site, [min:max], e.g., 10:100 means the total depth for this site should between 10 and 100.


average Depth range for each site, [min:max], e.g., 10:100 means the average depth for this site should between 10 and 100.


retain non-bi-allelic sites, default unset.


retain monomorphic sites, default unset.


retain indels, defalt unset.


threshold to define a polymorphic loci of each populations, should be a ratio.

Example usage --i samples.vcf.gz --P popmap.txt --o qc.vcf.gz --c 0.8 --C 0.9 --m 6 --H 0.75 --G 20 --Q 20 --g 0.05 --l 0.2 --p 0.01 --avgDP 6:20 --T 8 --s --f

Which set:
at least 80% individuals of each population cover this site
at least 90% individuals totally cover this site
minimum read depth of 6
maximum observed heterozygosity considering all individuals (as --f set) <=0.75
genotyping quality >=20
snp quality >=20
minor allele frequency >=5%
retain a site if one population with minor allele frequency >=20%
exclude a site if p-value of HWE test <=0.01
average read depth for a site should between 6 and 20
use 8 cpus
sort the final vcf


A multi-threading versatile filter for VCF file






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