This will startup minikube and vagrant consul machines for now. You'd need these software to be installed first:
The vagrant script is intended to bootstrap a development environment suitable for local development of microservices or containerised application. With this, each node will have:
- Cluster Management using kubernetes.
- Service Discovery using consul.
- Monitoring with Elastic Search and Kibana.
First timer, you can execute the
If you want to re-provision, just use Vagrant and minikube commands.
vagrant up --provision
There are 6 machines launched by this script
- 3 consul cluster. vCPU: 1, RAM: 256MB each.
- 1 elasticsearch node. vCPU: 1, RAM: 4Gb.
- 1 kibana node, vCPU: 1, RAM: 512 MB.
- 1 kubernetes node, vCPU: 1, RAM: 1024 Mb
Total RAM consumption is 6 Gb, so 8 Gb of minimum RAM is advised. During run, the cluster will only consume only small amount of CPU. Kubernetes will take most portion of them. However, during development you can turn it off.
The total CPU consumption will hover around 20%
Copyright (c) 2017 Didiet Noor