Demonstrates the capabilities of the Spring MVC web framework through small, simple examples. After reviewing this showcase, you should have a good understanding of what Spring MVC can do and get a feel for how easy it is to use. Includes project code along with a supporting slideshow and screen cast.
In this showcase you'll see the following in action:
- The simplest possible @Controller
- Mapping Requests
- Obtaining Request Data
- Generating Responses
- Message Converters
- Rendering Views
- Type Conversion
- Validation
- Forms
- File Upload
- Exception Handling
Clone the repository:
$ git clone git://
If this is your first time using Github, review to learn the basics.
From the command line with Maven:
$ cd spring-mvc-showcase
$ mvn tomcat7:run [-Dmaven.tomcat.port=<port no.>] (In case 8080 is busy]
In your preferred IDE such as SpringSource Tool Suite (STS) or IDEA:
- Import spring-mvc-showcase as a Maven Project
- Drag-n-drop the project onto the "SpringSource tc Server Developer Edition" or another Servlet 2.5 or > Server to run, such as Tomcat.
Access the deployed web application at: http://localhost:8080/spring-mvc-showcase/
This showcase originated from a blog post and was adapted into a SpringOne presentation called Mastering MVC 3.
A screen cast showing the showcase in action is available in QuickTime format.
-----------------------------maven使用-------------------------------------- 编译: 直接在目录下运行mvn compile 打包: 直接在目录下运行mvn package$1234
--后台登录 ssh 用户名/密码:demonstu/Demon$1234
--查找文件 find . -name 'httpd.conf'
FTP demonstu/Demon$1234
---------------------------查看进程----------------------------------- sudo netstat -anp | grep 8080 8009 8005 ps -aux | grep httpd sudo kill -9 2352
ps -ef | grep httpd
-------------------------查看服务-------------------------------------- 安装服务启动查看器:sudo apt-get install sysv-rc-conf 运行: 安装完成后,直接运行sudo sysv-rc-conf命令即可打开该管理软件,如下图 操作界面十分简洁,你可以用鼠标点击,也可以用键盘方向键定位,用空格键选择, “X”表示开启该服务。 用Ctrl+N翻下一页,用Ctrl+P翻上一页,用Q退出。
--------------------------修改环境变更------------------------------- sudo vi mvn compile sudo source /etc/profile
-------------------------修改系统自动启动进程------------------------------- lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 28 11月 23 07:39 wdapache -> /www/wdlinux/init.d/wdapache jaylee@jaylee-ThinkPad-T440s:/etc/init.d$ sudo rm wdapache [sudo] password for jaylee: jaylee@jaylee-ThinkPad-T440s:/etc/init.d$ ls -l httpd lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 25 11月 23 07:36 httpd -> /www/wdlinux/init.d/httpd jaylee@jaylee-ThinkPad-T440s:/etc/init.d$ sudo rm httpd
目录结构: | |----main |--------java |------------web(mvc中的V层) |----------------controller(控制层代码) |----------------filter(过滤器) |----------------interceptor(拦截器) |------------entity(数据实体层) |------------dao(数据库操作层) |------------service(业务处理层) |------------constant(常量定义) |------------domain(域定义) |------------util(常用方法) |--------resources |--------webapp |----test
-------------------------框架说明----------------------------------- 所有配置从web.xml开始
报错: 1.出现tomcat启动时报错,如:Failed to initialize component [org.apache.catalina.webresources.JarResourceSet 原因分析:spring-context和spring-context-support有冲突造成,去除spring-context-support的依赖后解决。
Spring一些思想: 1.注解式Spring MVC响应流程: 2.
项目搭建步骤: 1.新建一个maven项目,添加maven依赖包关系pom.xml。 2.修改web.xml,添加spring上下文配置。 有关web.xml结点信息可以参考 可知容器对于web.xml的加载过程是context-param >> listener >> fileter >> servlet 3.修改web.xml,添加ContextLoaderListener: ContextLoaderListener作用详解可参考: 4.修改root-context.xml,配置了相关springmvc关于安全防御的bean,可参考: 5.配置Spring MVC过滤器-委派过滤器代理(DelegatingFilterProxy) 可参考: 6.配置请求处理器DispatcherServlet,可参考: 7.配置thymeleaf,可参考: 8.配置hibernate,可参考: 9.配置用户自定义过滤器和拦截器,可参考: 10.加入hibernate-ehcache配置:可参考:
spring管理hibernate4 transaction getCurrentSession为什么报错?
SpringMVC为什么在修改一个静态页面必须重新启动服务器才可以? 1.参考,由于论坛上的问题是针对freemaker,但本应用没有使用,而用的thymeleaf,在网站上查了一下没有相关解决方案。 2.试了下使用springmvc原有的视图转发类无些问题。 3.所以直接看了thymeleaf官方文档,看到ServletContextTemplateResolver有个属性为templateResolver.setCacheTTLMs(3600000L);所以加上了相关参数,加上如下配置属性: 问题解决。 4.用phpmyadmin登录mysql不上。 因为之前装了一个mysql服务,后来又装了一个新的,旧的没卸载干净,导致每次启动都是启动旧的,解决方案是把系统自动启动的进程杀死。 ps -ef | grep mysqld sudo kill -9 1256 5.hibernate不提交事务,在common的dao层加上flush。