utils-lib is a java general purpouse utilities library.
The org.mmarini.fp
package has basic interfaces and implementation class for
"functional programing" and collections.
The org.mmarini.swing
has utilities to manage easly swing UI:
create GridBagLayout containers mapping the constraint attributes with string operators -
sets up Action properties from resource bundle file and creates tool bar and menu bar with string operators. -
manages properties stored in file (used to manage persistent application options).
* Create option properties store in a file named
* class name "." prefixed and ".xml" suffixed in the user folder
* Eg. ".org.mmarini.test.Test.xml"
Options options = new Options(this.getClass())
* Create option properties store in a specific file
Options options = new Options(new File("name"))
Extends the Options storing the "lookAndFeelClass" for current look and feel
* Create option properties store in a file named
* class name "." prefixed and ".xml" suffixed in the user folder
* Eg. ".org.mmarini.test.Test.xml"
SwingOptions options = new SwingOptions(this.getClass());
* Create option properties store in a specific file
SwingOptions options = new SwingOptions(new File("name"));
* Save the current look and feel status
Sets up Action properties from resource bundle file and creates tool bar and menu bar with string operators.
* Create an action builder based on a resource bundle to resolve the string localization.
* The SwingOptions are used to store look and feel properties.
* The components c1, c2 are bind to the look and feel change event to redraw
* the components on look and feel changes.
ResourceBundle b = ...
SwingOptions o = ...
Component c1 = ...
Component c2 = ...
ActionBuilder builder = ActionBuilder.create(b, o, c1, c2);
* If parameter listener are used a change event will be notified to it on
* look and feel changes.
ChangeListener l = ...
ActionBuilder builder = ActionBuilder.create(b, o, l, c1, c2);
* If look and feel are not used (createMenuBar not used)
* a simpler factory may be used
ActionBuilder builder = ActionBuilder.create(b);
* Create a menu bar by parameters.
* Parameters may be an action
* or null to insert a separator
* or the string "lookAndFeel" to insert the available look and feel entries
* or a key string to insert a menu filled up with resource bundle properties
* The resource bundle properties may be:
* ActionBuilder.<key>.name = menu text
* ActionBuilder.<key>.acceleratorKey = accelerator key text (eg. "ctrl X")
* ActionBuilder.<key>.mnemonicKey = menmonik key text ("O")
* ActionBuilder.<key>.smallIcon = optional menu icon
* ActionBuilder.<key>.shortDescription = optional tool tips text
Action openAction = ...
Action exitAction = ...
JMenuBar menuBar = builder.createMenuBar("file", openAction, null, exitAction, "options", "lookAndFeel");
* Create a horizontal tool bar by parameters.
* Parameters may be an action
* or null to insert a separator
JToolBar toolBar = builder.createHorizontalToolBar(openAction, null, exitAction);
* Set up an action
* The resource bundle properties may be:
* ActionBuilder.<key>.name = menu text
* ActionBuilder.<key>.acceleratorKey = accelerator key text (eg. "ctrl X")
* ActionBuilder.<key>.mnemonicKey = menmonik key text ("O")
* ActionBuilder.<key>.largeIcon = optional button icon
* ActionBuilder.<key>.smallIcon = optional menu icon
* ActionBuilder.<key>.longDescription = optional help text
* ActionBuilder.<key>.shortDescription = optional tool tip text
Action a = ...
Action b = setUp(a, "key");
Create GridBagLayout containers mapping the constraint attributes with string operators
* Build the content of a JPanel.
* The modify method sets the default constraints for the futher operations.
* The add method adds components to the container.
* The added contents may be:
* a component
* or an action that will add a JButton
* a string thah will add a JLabel based on resource bundle key.
* string starting with "+" char that will change temporary the constraints appliyed to next added component
* The string constraints used in modify and in add("+"...) may be a blank separated operators as:
* at,<row>,<col> : set position constraints
* ipad,<x>,<y> : set ipad constraint
* span,<row>,<col> : set span constraint
* noinsets : set the insets to 0
* insets,<size> : set the insets for all margins
* insets,<bt>,<lr> : set the insets for top/bottom and left/right margins
* insets,<t>,<l>,<b>,<r> : set the insets for top, left,bottom and right margins
* noweight : set the horizontal and vertical weights to 0
* hw,<h> : set the horizontal weight for the resizing component
* vw,<v> : set the vertical weight for the resizing component
* weight,<h>,<v> : set the horizontal and vertical weights for the resizing component
* def : set the default constraints
* n : set north alignement
* ne : set north-east alignement
* e : set east alignement
* se : set south-east alignement
* s : set south alignement
* sw : set south-west alignement
* w : set west alignement
* nw : set north-west alignement
* center : set center alignement
* below : set the gridy to RELATIVE (insert below)
* right : set the gridx to RELATIVE (insert right)
* nospan : set the gridwidth and gridheight to 1 (no span)
* hspan : set the gridwidth to REMAINDER horizontal span)
* vspan : set the gridheight to REMAINDER (vertical span)
* rspan : set the gridwidth to RELATIVE (right span)
* bspan : set the gridheight to RELATIVE (bottom span)
* nofill : set no fill
* hfill : set horizontal fill
* vfill : set vertical fill
* vfill : set vertical fill
* The following example create a JPanel with a label west aligned and a JTextFiel east aligned and horizontal filled
* both with 2 pixels margins up, down, left and right.
ResourceBundle b = ...
JTextField text = new JTextField();
JPanel panel = new GridLayoutHelper(b, new JPanel())
.modify("insets,2 w")
.add("myTextLabel.text", "+hfill e", text)