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Chat client application written in C++, using object oriented approach, that uses IPK24-CHAT protocol over IPv4 to communicate with the server.


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Author: Maroš Berdis (xberdi01)
Date: 13.03.2024
Assignment specification

Chat client application written in C++, using object oriented approach, that uses IPK24-CHAT protocol over IPv4 to communicate with the server.

Table of Contents

Build & Run

Project uses Makefile to handle build. Available commands:

Command Description
make creates ipk24chat-client executable in project directory
make clean cleans build-generated files
make run builds and runs the app
make runValgrind builds and runs the app using valgrind
make runUdpServCon builds and runs the app, will use UDP and reference server in options
make runTcpServCon builds and runs the app, will use TCP and reference server in options

The program ipk24chat-client accepts following CLI arguments:
(Table is inspired by the specification in Assignment\CLI Arguments)

Argument Default value Accepted values Description
-t User provided tcp / udp Transport protocol used for connection
-s User provided IP address or hostname Chat server IP/hostname
-p 4567 uint16 Server port
-d 250 uint16 UDP confirmation timeout
-r 3 uint8 max number of UDP retransmissions
-h Prints program help and exits

The program reads user-typed commands from the standard input (stdin). Any other input is treated as a message and sent to the server.
(Table is inspired by the specification in Assignment\Client behaviour, input and commands)

Command Parameters Description
/auth {username} {secret} {displayName} Tries to authorize user with the server
/join {channelID} Tries to join channel
/rename {displayName} Renames authorized user, will apply to newly sent messages
/help Prints help about these commands

Program exit codes:

Exit code Description
0 Success
1 Error while processing arguments or creating socket
40 Error while communicating with the server
50 Error while trying to create connection


The IPK24-chat is built on top of well known transport protocols TCP [RFC9293] or UDP [RFC768]. Since TCP provides reliable delivery, its variant posses little to none challenge. Thus in this section we'll focus on making UDP's connection-less approach more reliable.

1. Packet loss

After each sent UDP message (confirm message excluded) we'll await mandatory confirmation message from the server. Lack of this message, within set timespan, will signal packet loss. In that case we'll sent that message again, maximally udpRetry amount of times. This limitation will solve the problem when the server is no longer online or the connection is so unreliable that we cannot deliver a single message.

2. Packet delay / duplication

To fix this issue we'll give each message a unique identifier. While processing incoming messages we have to check whether we're expecting confirmation message with given unique identifier. If not, discard the message.


Program needs to handle both the user input from the stdin and incoming messages from the socket. To adress this issue in the non-blocking manner poll() function is utilized (not epoll() because of the potential Windows support). Pseudocode that illustrate it's use in main():

while (!signal_received)    // while not interrupted
    // wait indefinitely until an event occurs
    poll(fds, nfds, -1);

    if (user_input) 

    if (socket_input)

poll() is also used while waiting for REPLY or CONFIRM messages from the server. This time we're only checking for input from the socket, the user input will stack in the stdin and will be processed later in main(). Pseudocode that illustrates waiting for REPLY message:

while (!signal_received)    // while not interrupted
    // wait REPLY_TIMEOUT ms until an event occurs
    poll(fds, 1, REPLY_TIMEOUT);

    if (socket_input)
        switch (receive_msg())
            case ERR: throw ClientException();
            case NOK: return;
            case OK:  return;
            default:  break;

1. Abstraction

AbstractConnection class serves as a base for both the TCP and UDP. It also defines a common interface for sending messages via a child connection that inherits it.

  • Method await_message(MessageType waitingFor) serves as a common way of TCP and UDP connection to wait for REPLY or CONFIRM (only UDP) messages. But at the same time, other messages are correctly processed and user input is being queued at the standard input (stdin) so no user input is ignored. This method calls pure virtual methods, whose functionality is defined by the child that invokes the method.

2. Connection lifecycle

Connection creation consists of invoking constructors in a cascading manner:

AbstractConnection => UDPConnection
AbstractConnection => TCPConnection
  • AbstractConnection's constructor handles the general initialization needed by both the TCP and UDP. It creates a socket and stores comunnication arguments (server info).
  • UDPConnection's constructor sets UDP retry and timeout arguments.
  • TCPConnection's constructor establishes TCP connection with the server.

Connection termination works in an opposite order than its creation.

~UDPConnection => ~AbstractConnection
~TCPConnection => ~AbstractConnection
  • UDPConnection's and TCPConnection's destructors send their corresponding version of BYE message to the server.
  • AbstractConnection's destructor closes the socket.

Warning! To ensure proper disposal of the connection object by the garbage collector, exceptions need to be caught within the main() function.


Methods of testing varied during each phase of development:

1. Early prototyping

  • sending single TCP / UDP message to the loopback and inspecting it though the Wireshark to validate program's ability to send messages. SendingMessagesViaUDP

    Warning! In order for Windows to capture packets sent by a client app run on Ubuntu WSL, client needs to communicate on vEthernet (WSL (Hyper-V firewall)) address instead of a traditional loopback.

2. While programming TCP

  • Using netcat program to manually mock local IPK24-CHAT server. Client:

    anon@DESKTOP:/VUT_FIT/IPK/IPK24_Project1$ ./ipk24chat-client -t tcp -s
    Message without auth...
    ERR: Auth first!
    /auth test will fail
    Failure: Auth failed. Try again.
    /auth xberdi01 secret TCP-tester
    Success: Auth success.
    Hey! It worked.

    Mocked server:
    (Client messages are prefixed messages with '<' for better readability)

    anon@DESKTOP:/VUT_FIT/IPK/IPK24_Project1$ nc -4 -l -v 4567
    Listening on localhost 4567
    Connection received on localhost 49430
    < AUTH test AS fail USING will
    REPLY NOK IS Auth failed. Try again.
    < AUTH xberdi01 AS TCP-tester USING secret
    REPLY OK IS Auth success.
    < MSG FROM TCP-tester IS Hey! It worked.
    < BYE

3. While programming UDP

  • by inspecting outgoing messages send by the client via Wireshark. Screenshot from full communication between the reference server and app: CommunicatingWithRefServerUDP

4. Full app testing

  • manually by connecting to the reference server and then checking if messages are visible at the Discord server.

    anon@DESKTOP:/VUT_FIT/IPK/IPK24_Project1$ ./ipk24chat-client -t udp -s
    /auth xberdi01 secret UDP-man
    Success: Authentication successful.
    Server: UDP-man joined discord.general.
    How do I form a connection when we can't even shake hands?
    /join discord.verified-1
    Server: UDP-man joined discord.verified-1.
    Success: Channel discord.verified-1 successfully joined.
    Does anyone have the Map of the Problematique?

    Messages visible on the Discord server:
    FirstDiscordScreen SecondDiscordScreen

  • by passing short text file to the program:

    ./ipk24chat-client -t tcp -s < input.txt


  1. Assignment specification
  2. BUT FIT - IKP24 presentation on network programming
  3. Non-blocking operations using poll()


Chat client application written in C++, using object oriented approach, that uses IPK24-CHAT protocol over IPv4 to communicate with the server.








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