Pythia App: The goal of the app is to extract information from documents containing text and images using spaCy to generate weak multimodal labels that are then used for annotation in the spaCy developed annotation tool Prodigy.
The ideal use case is circular: a user comes to the Streamlit web app to upload documents, results are returned from the pipeline and visualized in the web app. Based on the quality of results from the pipeline the user will look to improve the NER and similarity by annotating the documents uploaded.
Tools: spaCy, gloVe, fasttext, Prodigy Annotation, Streamlit, Github spaCy Nightly Release:
Here are the key activities the pipeline needs to deliver against: Upload documents Pretrained spaCy nightly pipeline returns: NER - pretrained New classes: Technical/Non-technical document labels, PII, Highlights/Non-highlights Similarity via spaCy Sense2vec Results are available for download Option to annotate data that was uploaded Prodigy Annotation Select model to annotate/teach: NER, Text Classification, Sense2Vec After annotation is completed, model is retrained User goes back to the Streamlit web application to repeat the process of uploading documents
Sitemap: Home- User selects Information Extraction (visualize text/generate data) or Annotation (teach models/improve results) L1: List/Visualize document results in a single page Provide link to annotation page Export/Download results L1: Prodigy annotation User selects which model to teach Sense2vec recipe NER Text classification recipe
User Flow: Input: User navigates to the Streamlit web application and either copy/paste text or uploads document then manually initiates the knowledge extraction. Similar to the upload experience here: User Action: Copy/paste text User Action: Upload (can contain text+images) Microsoft Word document PDF JSON Uploaded text/docs hit the pre-made Spacy component pipeline: transformer, parser, tagger, ner, attribute ruler, lemmetizer, similarity.
Component Pipeline: Pipeline: Pipeline Github: Requirement: Additional pipeline component: Sense2Vec Github:
Visualize Output/Download: User views, interacts and downloads NER and similarity outputs from the streamlit application Spacy-Streamlit premade tempate for NER, POS and dependency:
User selects a model to annotate via Prodigy Recipes Prodigy Annotation Recipes Sense2vec Prodigy Recipes: Optional: Prodigy-Streamlit: NER: Text classification: Must be setup for active learning A/B Evaluations: 2 use cases: Sense2vec recipes + Concept testing
Nice to have: Train custom vector space using a pre trained spaCy model, raw text and GloVe or Word2Vec via fastText (details). DBPedia word vectors: Fasttext pretrained word vectors: GLOVE: 2019 Reddit training data: DBPedia word vectors: Fasttext pretrained word vectors: GLOVE: 2019 Reddit training data: