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Welcome to the Anatomy Repository

This repository is the home of all HGU IGMM code for manipulating Anatomy Databases.

The code consists of:

  1. Java Classes, including a full Java DAO (Data Access Object layer) ( on top of MySQL ), influenced by BalusC ( eg. )

  2. Python Classes, again another DAO in Python; these rebuild the database's derived data tables; and produce many reports in RTF, TXT and XML

The Database itself is implemented in MySQL, and is a realisation of a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG), as a Tree stored in Relational form.


Each of these Core Tables has a unique Surrogate Key, which is stored in the OBJECT table.

Of these Core Tables, STAGE, NODE, TIMED_NODE, RELATIONSHIP, provide the main structure to the database. Nodes are Related to Other Nodes through the Relationship Table; Nodes exist for a range of Stages, and for each stage in the range, a Timed Node exists.



The HGU Anatomy Database

Mike Wicks’ Developments by 26th February 2014

Executive Summary


This GIT Repository is hosted on MAHOST ( git@mahost:Anatomy ) as well as GITHUB ( - which EXCLUDES the /Anatomy/Database folder)

Anatomy Update Processing

A combination of Java and Python programs are used to update the Anatomy database, whenever a new version is required.

New Folder structures must first be added to GIT each time a new version of the database is required.

There are a number of steps to producing a new version of the database:

  1. Create Folder Structure for New Version
  2. Create an Empty Anatomy Database & Populate with Base Data
  3. Load and Validation of an OBO file against the Empty Database
  4. Update of the Database (produces new EMAP(A) terms and amends existing terms)
  5. Produce a new OBO file from the updated database
  6. Produce SQL queries to populate derived tables
  7. Apply SQL derived table queries to the database
  8. Produce new Tree Reports
  9. Produce SQL queries to create Materialised View tables
  10. Apply SQL materialised view queries (long running).

All program code is in GIT under “Anatomy” – BOTH Java and PYTHON.

These steps are completed using the following programs:

  1. Anatomy/SourceCode/Java/DAOAnatomyRebuild Main0UpdateDatabaseWithBaseData.jar

  2. Anatomy/SourceCode/Java/DAOAnatomyRebuild Main1LoadOBOFileIntoComponentsTablesAndValidate.jar

  3. Anatomy/SourceCode/Java/DAOAnatomyRebuild Main2UpdateDatabaseFromComponentsTables.jar

  4. Anatomy/SourceCode/Java/DAOAnatomyRebuild Main3UpdateDatabaseWithPerspectiveAmbits.jar

  5. Anatomy/SourceCode/Python/CreateNextVersion/RegenerateDerivedData

  6. Anatomy/Database/Tasks/ConvertFromMouseXXX/SQLFiles/PostProcessing replaceDerivedData.sql

  7. Anatomy/SourceCode/Python/CreateNextVersion/GenerateTreeFormats

  8. Anatomy/Database/Tasks/ConvertFromMouseXXX/Scripts

  9. Anatomy/Database/Tasks/ConvertFromMouseXXX/Scripts (long running!)

Java Programs are used to achieve the Basic Load, Validation and Update Steps. These programs are executed at the command line, and require 2 Properties files to be updated to produce the desired results.

Python programs reproduce the Derived Data Tables (“ANAD_...”) and Tree Reports (Abstract and Timed, in Text, RTF and XML formats). Again, these programs are executed at the command line, and require a Properties file to be updated to produce the desired results.

MySQL Stored Procedures combined with Views (ANAV_ …) in the Database, are used to generate the Materialised Views (ANAM_ ….). This is a very long running task, regrettably.

Python was used for the initial update processing, with the remaining programs used for non-update requirements.

The Java processing was inherited from a Java Swing (GUI) application, with major refactoring of the business logic, implementation of a new Database Access Object layer (DAO), and then GUI thrown away in favour of a command line approach.

The Technical Bit

The Structure and Contents of the GIT Database Repository are now discussed

Anatomy GIT Repository

There are a number of top level folders in the Anatomy GIT Repository:

Sub Project Description

1 Database Anatomy Database Versions and Tasks

2 SourceCode/ DataScratchArea A working are for testing new versions of the Anatomy database

2 SourceCode/ Python/ Gmerg Anatomy Data Access Layer in PYTHON

3 SourceCode/ Java/ DAOAnatomyJavaLayer Anatomy MySQL Database Access Objects (DAO) Layer

4 SourceCode/ Java/ DAOAnatomyOBO Anatomy OBO File Access Layer

5 SourceCode/ Java/ DAOAnatomyRebuild Command Line Java Programs

6 SourceCode/ Java/ DAOAnatomyJSP A JSP Application for AJAX Tree Browse in EMAP

7 SourceCode/ Java/ JavaLibraries Anatomy Data Access Layer required Java Jar Files

8 SourceCode/ Java/ Utilities Supporting Java Static Classes

9 SourceCode/ Java/ DAOAnatomyDatabaseJSF OBSOLETE

A “Test” JSF Application for Browsing the Anatomy Database

10 SourceCode/ Java/ DAOAnatomyUploadJSF OBSOLETE

A “Test” JSF Application for Validating Candidate OBO Files

11 Notes Documentation

12 SourceCode/ Properties Properties files

Used to direct the processing of ALL Java Programs

Nota Bene

All of the Java Anatomy Sub Folders can be imported into Eclipse, and run from there directly. All Python code is run outside Eclipse

These Folders will now be discussed, in turn:


GIT Location: Anatomy/Database

This is where all “Tasks” and “Versions” of the anatomy database are stored – the names of the folder structure should be sufficient to clearly identify the purpose of the sub-folder contents.

This Folder and its sub-folders are NOT ON GITHUB!


GIT Location: Anatomy/SourceCode/Python/Gmerg/Common/lib/python/hgu

This is where the Python Anatomy Database Access Layer is stored.

Should any Schema changes to the anatomy database be required, consequent changes to the Python Database Access layer may be required to reflect this.


GIT Location: Anatomy/SourceCode/Java/DAOAnatomyJavaLayer/src

Source Code folder for all Java Anatomy Database Access Layer Classes

No Programs are executed here! Any Main Classes found here are either obsolete or exist for testing purposes only.

Sub Folders

daomodel Row-level objects for ALL anatomy database tables and JOINs daointerface A Promise for all row-level objects to implement data retrieval methods daojdbc An implementation of the promises using JDBC daolayer Classes that do the “Heavy Lifting“ in SQL app Candidate example classes that access the database csvmodel Classes that enable the data to be converted to CSV format main Main classes that execute the candidate classes test Some Junit testing classes


GIT Location: Anatomy/SourceCode/Java/DAOAnatomyOBO/src/

Source Code folder for all Anatomy OBO File Access Classes

No Programs are executed here! Any Main Classes found here are either obsolete or exist for testing purposes only.


oboaccess Higher level OBO File access class obomodel Component-level objects for ALL objects in an OBO Text File obolayer Classes that do the “Heavy Lifting“ to and from the OBO Text File routines A Library of classes to access an Anatomy Database and an OBO File routines/database access to database tables for supplied lists; logging implemented app Candidate example classes that access the OBO file main Main classes that execute the candidate classes


GIT Location: Anatomy/SourceCode/Java/DAOAnatomyRebuild/src/ – Source Code folder for all DAO Anatomy Database access Classes


app Candidate example classes that access the OBO file and database main THE MAIN CLASSES for the LOAD & VALIDATE, UPDATE, and EXTRACT processes for the Anatomy Database:

routines/aggregated a suite of functions routines/runnable a runnable suite of functions


GIT Location: Anatomy/SourceCode/Java/DAOAnatomyJSP

This is the Project has been implemented to support the AJAX Tree Calls, used here:

Ajax calls are implemented by 7 Servlets, stored in Anatomy/SourceCode/Java/DAOAnatomyJSP/Server/src/controller

The Web Application is defined in Anatomy/SourceCode/Java/DAOAnatomyJSP/Server/WEB-INF/web.xml (Database access parameters may be modified there)


GIT Location: Anatomy/JavaLibraries

A folder for ALL required Java Jars in the Anatomy GIT Repository


GIT Location: Anatomy/SourceCode/Java/Utilities/src


utility Utility classes for universal use testapp test harness classes for all utility classes


GIT Location: Anatomy/SourceCode/Java/DAOAnatomyDatabaseJSF

OBSOLETE - A Test Java Server Faces Web Application


GIT Location: Anatomy/SourceCode/Java/DAOAnatomyUploadJSF

OBSOLETE - A Test Java Server Faces Web Application


GIT Location: Anatomy/Documentation

Where this document resides.

Also includes: Tables.xls – A Description of ALL the tables in the Anatomy Database Schema


GIT Location: Anatomy/SourceCode/Properties

The location of the Properties files that are used to drive proceessing of the Database and OBO files. A properties file that specifies the access parameters to an Anatomy Database

These parameters are accessed using a Major Key, allowing multiple instances of parameters to be stored and accessed

Parameter Meaning

url Which database do you intend to access?

driver The MySQL JDBC driver class



debug “True” or “False”?

True spits out ALL the SQL statements before they are executed


“True” or “False”?

Update the Database, Yes or No


A log file location for all SQL statements

Blank means System.Out

msglevel 1 to 5 Stars

Minimal to maximum possible debug statements to be printed out to System.Out

access “JDBC”

is the only available option here, with no other methods implemented yet (eg. Hibernate etc) A properties file that specifies the access parameters to an OBO File

These parameters are accessed using a Major Key, allowing multiple instances of parameters to be stored and accessed

Parameter Meaning


A Base OBO File Path

Used as an OBO representation of the database, and provides a swifter way of validating any proposed Input OBO file

oboinfile Input OBO File Path

obooutfile Output OBO File Path

summaryreport Validation Report File Path

obooutfileremark Output OBO File field value

obooutfileversion Output OBO File field value

obooutfilenamespace Output OBO File field value

obooutfilesavedby Output OBO File field value

species mouse, chick or human?

project “EMAP” or “GUDMAP”?

abstractclassid The OBO File must include a Abstract Class

abstractclassnamespace The OBO File must include a Abstract Class

abstractclassname The OBO File must include a Abstract Class

stageclassname The OBO File must include a Stage Class

stageclassid The OBO File must include a Stage Class

stageclassnamespace The OBO File must include a Stage Class

groupclassname The OBO File must include a Group Class

groupclassid The OBO File must include a Group Class

groupclassnamespace The OBO File must include a Group Class

grouptermclassname The OBO File must include a Group Term Class

grouptermclassid The OBO File must include a Group Term Class

grouptermclassnamespace The OBO File must include a Group Term Class

minstagesequence For this Species, what is the minimum stage sequence number?


For this Species, what is the maximum stage sequence number?

alternatives “True” or ”False”

Do you want Alternative IDs in your Output OBO File?

timedcomponents “True” or ”False”

Do you want Timed Component IDs in your Output OBO File?

generateidentifiers “True” or ”False”

Do you want the program to generate IDs for any new components, or use the values as supplied by you?

debug “True” or ”False”?

msglevel 1 to 5 Stars

Minimal to maximal possible debugging statements to be printed out to System.Out