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POSIX-friendly Data Notation

Herein you will find the data format specification for PDN. You will also find here a Node.js reader implementation which can be used as the canonical reference for further implementations.

Design Goals

First and foremost, PDN is intended to provide a simple notation for stating well-structured data within restrictive interpreters such as a command-line interface.

Additionally, PDN aims to be:

  • a robust data notation that is a superset of JSON
  • a streamable data notation which does not require an enclosing element at the top-level
  • an extendable data notation which allows for macro dispatch via tagged elements

Note: PDN is NOT a superset of edn and does not intend to compete with edn. If you need edn, use edn.


Most command-line interfaces (CLIs) implement support for a set of flag (i.e. -f) and option (i.e. --env) arguments in order to gather basic data from the user. For more complex input, data files sources are often leveraged. This approach is fine for the vast majority of use cases but there exists a subset of command-line use-cases wherein it is desirable for the user to be able to state well-structured directly within command-line arguments. Many CLIs for interfacing with complex systems end up providing a set of "advanced" options the value of which is directly stated data in a common notation, such as JSON. Typing JSON from a command-line is tedious and error-prone.

Manual data entry from the command-line using most popular data notations requires use of strong quotes (') to avoid interpretation of reserved shell characters. Futhermore, entering data at the command-line using most popular data notations, such as JSON, can be tedious and error-prone.

PDN seeks to provide an alternative notation which makes manual entry easier and which can easily be extended by implementors in order to further streamline the data entry experience.

If stating well-structured data from the command-line were made easier, perhaps more CLIs would opt for a more data-oriented interface.


PDN is in part inspired by edn and as such, much of the PDN specification which follows was lifted directly from the edn README. Like edn, the specification is casual. Unlike edn, a formal BNF will likely never be provided.

General considerations

PDN elements, streams and files should be encoded using UTF-8.

Elements are generally separated by whitespace. Whitespace, other than within strings, is not otherwise significant, nor need redundant whitespace be preserved during transmissions. Commas , are also considered whitespace, other than within strings.

The delimiters { } ( ) [ ] need not be separated from adjacent elements by whitespace.

@ dispatch character

Tokens beginning with @ are reserved. The character following @ determines the behavior. The dispatch for @alphabetic-char (tag) is defined below. @ is not a delimiter.

Built-in elements

nil and null

Both nil and null represent nil, null or nothing. The elements should be read as an object with similar meaning on the target platform.


true and false should be mapped to booleans.

If a platform has canonic values for true and false, it is a further semantic of booleans that all instances of true yield that (identical) value, and similarly for false.


Strings may be enclosed in either "double quotes" or 'single quotes' to allow for use of what otherwise might be consider special or reserved characters. May span multiple lines. Escape characters \t, \r, \n, \\, \" and \' are supported.

Note: reference implementation does not yet support multi-line strings.

unquoted strings

When the character set of the string is such that it does not require quoting, quotes may be omitted.

Unquoted strings must begin with an alphabetic character (a-zA-Z) or one of the following characters: - _ ' % < > = & $ . + * ! ? ^

After the first character in an unquoted string you may use any alphanumeric character (a-zA-Z0-9) as well as the following characters: - _ ' % < > = & $ . + * ! ? @ ^ :

Note: A colon : at the beginning or end of an unquoted string will be treated as whitespace.

If an unquoted string ends with ^ then it will be appended with a suffix which ensures it has a unique name. This is similar to the gensym behaviour of clojure macros (which instead use the # suffix). The generated suffix is of the format -{n} where n is an integer which increments as other symbols of the same name are generated.


Integers consist of the digits 0 - 9, optionally prefixed by - to indicate a negative number, or (redundantly) by +. No integer other than 0 may begin with 0. -0 is a valid integer not distinct from 0.

floating point numbers

Floating point numbers are supported.


An array is a sequence of values that supports random access. Arrays are represented by zero or more elements enclosed in square brackets [] or in parentheses ().

[a b 42]
(a b 42)


An object is a collection of associations between keys and values. Object are represented by zero or more key and value pairs enclosed in curly braces {} or with a special notation using square brackets or parenthese wherein the opening element of the balance group is immediatedly followed by a colon :. Each key should appear at most once. No semantics should be associated with the order in which the pairs appear.

{a 1 foo bar}
{a 1,foo bar}
[:a 1 foo bar]
[:a 1,foo bar]
(:a 1 foo bar)
(:a 1,foo bar)

Note that if keys are not stated as strings, the reader should attempt to coerced the value to a string representation. The use of commas and colons above is optional, as they are parsed as whitespace.

tagged elements

PDN supports extensibility through a simple mechanism. @ followed immediately by a symbol starting with an alphabetic character indicates that that symbol is a tag. A tag indicates the semantic interpretation of the following element. It is envisioned that a reader implementation will allow clients to register handlers for specific tags. Upon encountering a tag, the reader will first read the next element (which may itself be or comprise other tagged elements), then pass the result to the corresponding handler for further interpretation, and the result of the handler will be the data value yielded by the tag + tagged element, i.e. reading a tag and tagged element yields one value. This value is the value to be returned to the program and is not further interpreted as PDN data by the reader.

This process will bottom out on elements either understood or built-in.

Thus you can build new distinct readable elements out of (and only out of) other readable elements, keeping extenders and extension consumers out of the text business.

The semantics of a tag, and the type and interpretation of the tagged element are defined by the steward of the tag.

@mytag {first "Fred" last "Mertz"}

If a reader encounters a tag for which no handler is registered, the implementation can either report an error, call a designated 'unknown element' handler, or create a well-known generic representation that contains both the tag and the tagged element, as it sees fit. Note that the non-error strategies allow for readers which are capable of reading any and all PDN, in spite of being unaware of the details of any extensions present.

rules for tags

Tags themselves are not elements. It is an error to have a tag without a corresponding tagged element.

built-in tagged elements

An @env tag before any string element resolves to the value of underlying the environment variable with the same name as the given element value.

@env HOME
# resolves to /Users/kjaneway

If a # character is encountered outside of a string or symbol, that character and all subsequent characters to the next newline should be ignored.

Reference Implementation

Contained in this repository is a robust reference implementation.


  • Node.js v12+

Note: Node.js v10+ will work but will emit ExperimentalWarning due to how the stream implementation has been written using features which are only officially supported in Node.js v12+.

Global Install

npm i -g pdn

Local Install (as a project dependency)

npm i pdn

Command-Line Usage

Read to JSON from command-line arguments

> pdn foo 123
> pdn [foo,123]
["foo" 123]
> pdn [:foo,123]
> pdn [foo^,foo^[:foo^,foo^]]

Read to JSON from stdin

> echo foo 123 | pdn 
> echo [foo,123] | pdn
["foo" 123]
> echo [:foo,123] | pdn
> echo [foo^,foo^[:foo^,foo^]] | pdn

Read to JSON in REPL

> pdn
> foo 123
> [foo,123]
["foo" 123]
> [:foo,123]
> [foo^,foo^[:foo^,foo^]]


read(input, [options]) ⇒ AsyncIterator

Accepts a ReadableStream, an AsyncIterator, an array or a string and returns an AsyncIterator.

Kind: global function
Returns: AsyncIterator - Returns an AsyncIterator which yields Promises which resolve to parsed data.

Param Type Description
input ReadableStream | AsyncIterator | Array | string Raw input data
[options] Object Optional options object. Currently only used for specifying custom readers for tag dipatch.


for await (const result of read('[:foo:123,bar:true,baz:nil]')) {
// => { foo: 123, bar: true, baz: null }

for await (const result of read('@join [foo bar baz]', {
    readers: {
        join: el => el.join('-')
})) {
// => foo-bar-baz

readToStream(input, [options]) ⇒ WritableStream

Accepts a ReadableStream, an array or a string and returns a WritableStream. Stream output will be utf-8 text. Stream values will be delimited by a system-native newline escape character.

Kind: global function
Returns: WritableStream - Returns a WritableStream Stream output will be utf-8 text. Stream values will be delimited by a system-native newline escape character.

Param Type Description
input ReadableStream | AsyncIterator | Array | string Raw input data
[options] Object Optional options object. Currently only used for specifying custom readers for tag dipatch.


// => "{\"foo\":123,\"bar\":true,\"baz\":null}"

readToStream('@join [foo bar baz]', {
    readers: {
        join: el => el.join('-')
// => "foo-bar-baz"

readOne(input, [options]) ⇒ Promise

Accepts a ReadableStream, an AsyncIterator, an array or a string and returns a Promise which resolves to the first value of the stream.

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise - Returns a Promise which resolves to the first value of the stream.

Param Type Description
input ReadableStream | AsyncIterator | Array | string Raw input data
[options] Object Optional options object. Currently only used for specifying custom readers for tag dipatch.


console.log(await readOne('[:foo:123,bar:true,baz:nil]'));
// => { foo: 123, bar: true, baz: null }

console.log(await readOne('@join [foo bar baz]', {
    readers: {
        join: el => el.join('-')
// => foo-bar-baz

readAll(input, [options]) ⇒ Promise

Accepts a ReadableStream, an AsyncIterator, an array or a string and returns a Promise which resolves to an array of all values.

Note: If a stream or iterator is passed to readAll and it does not complete, the Promise returned by this function will never resolve.

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise - Returns a Promise which resolves to an array of all values.

Param Type Description
input ReadableStream | AsyncIterator | Array | string Raw input data
[options] Object Optional options object. Currently only used for specifying custom readers for tag dipatch.


console.log(await readAll('[:foo:123,bar:true,baz:nil]'));
// => [ { foo: 123, bar: true, baz: null } ]

console.log(await readAll('@join [foo bar baz]', {
    readers: {
        join: el => el.join('-')
// => [ foo-bar-baz ]


  • capture token positions and report in SyntaxError messages




POSIX-friendly Data Notation







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