Jupyter notebooks for plotting ocean chlorophyll and sea ice data to evaluate spring phytoplankton bloom conditions following the record-low winter sea ice in the Bering Sea in 2018.
The data files needed are all publicly available. The folder data_files_needed lists the necessary files to run the notebooks and create the figures in the figures folder. The data centers from where the files were downloaded are also listed.
NSIDC daily Sea Ice Index data are used to create a timeseries plot of mean winter (January - April) sea ice area in the Bering Sea from 1979 - 2022.
NOAA/NSIDC Climate Data Record of Passive Microwave Sea Ice Concentration data are used to create a map of the winter 2018 sea ice concentration anomaly relative to the long-term 2000-2021 mean. NASA Ocean Color Data are used to create maps of chlorophyll-a concentrations in spring 2018 and in the long-term 2000-2021 mean to compare spring bloom conditions during the record ice year to typical conditions.