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Saving a custom playlist to an M3U file

maculateConception edited this page Jun 20, 2021 · 2 revisions

Home  >  How To's  >  Playlist  >  Saving a custom playlist to an M3U file


You can save Aural Player's playlist, i.e. the list of tracks and their ordering, to a standard M3U playlist file.


Saving a custom playlist to an M3U file demo GIF


1 - Create your custom playlist

Add, remove, and reorder tracks as you want them, within the playlist window. The order of the tracks will be preserved in the playlist file you create.

2 - Open the Save Playlist dialog

Open the Save Playlist dialog by clicking the "Save current playlist" function button at the bottom of the playlist window (illustrated below).

Save current playlist button image

3 - Choose a file location and name

Choose a file system location, and type in a name for the new M3U playlist file, and click "Save" in the dialog.

That's it !


Alternative ways to trigger the save playlist function:

  • Menu: Playlist > Save playlist
  • Keyboard shortcut: ⌘S
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