A simple temperature + humidity library for Arduino using HR202 humidity sensor and a NTC thermistor.
This library will generate the proper AC current over the HR202, in a 109µs pulse, avoiding polarization and maintaining the sensor in proper working conditions for years to come! The HR202 sensor cannot be used in a DC voltage divider configuration, otherwise it will have a short lifespan! Temperature data is required in order to convert HR202 readings into relative humidity, therefore, we included the NTC thermistor while developing this library.
For using this library, you'll need the following components:
- 2 x 10k resistors
- 1 x 10k @ 25°c thermistor
- 1 x HR202 humidity sensor
It's worth mentioning that this library will make use of 4 Arduino pins (2 x digitals + 2 x analogs). These two digital pins are used for generating the AC pulse across the HR202 sensor. The 2 analogs pins are for reading the temperature and humidity sensors.
- It's damn cheap! You can buy for cents each.
- It's pretty stable over time. Drifts due to contamination are very low.
- it can provide accurate readings for most applications.
- Thermistors are also pretty cheap. You can have a fully functional thermo-hygrometer for less than $1.
- This isn't a super-high accuracy sensor. It has an accuracy of +- 5%, which is good for most applications.
- This sensor is rated for 20 - 90% RH. The library will delivery output values below 20% and above 90%, however these values are interpolation data. It's only +-5% accurate between 20-90% RH zone!
IMPORTANT: This library will output values above 100% and below 0% for humidity, that will allow you to calibrate the sensor if desired. It's recommended to trim the data between 0-100% before using. Accordingly to HR202's Datasheet, it's supposed to run continually with 1.5AC maximum. Since Arduino outputs 5V, we limited the sensor update rate to 1 update for every 5 seconds to avoid continuous readings in fast loops, avoiding to damage the sensor. Any attempt to read faster than this will result in the function returning the last updated value. The temperature data can be read at any sample rate desired!
[+5V]----------[10k resistor]-----(analog temp_pin)------[10k NTC]------------ [GROUND]
HR202 sensor:
[pulse_pin] -------- [10k resistor]-------(analog humidity_pin)----------[HR202]--------[pulse2_pin]
ESP32 SUPPORT: while developing this library, we tested it on ESP32, however readings were not good due to the pretty bad ADC present on ESP32 boards, so we can't guarantee good results on ESP32 boards.If you desired to try anyway, just call the following function in your void setup() function before reading the sensor: analogReadResolution(10);