CribTrakr is an app that keeps track of your rental properties and their related expenses.This repo houses the app's API
- Node.js (server-side scripting)
- Express (server framework and API end point routing)
- MongoDB(mLab) (database)
- Mongoose (data modeling and schema)
- Mocha Chai (unit testing)
- Travis CI (continuous integration and deployment)
- Heroku (deployment)
- Passwords are encrypted with bcryptjs
- Passport.js was used as authentication middleware
- The app is responsive and optimized for both desktop and mobile viewing and use
API for registering new users and checking existing user logins:
- '/api/users' - POST, GET
- '/api/users' - POST, GET
API for creating JWTs:
- '/api/auth'
- '/api/login' - POST
- '/api/auth'
API for rental property data:
- '/api/rentals'
- '/' - GET, POST
- '/:id' - GET, PUT, DELETE
- '/api/rentals'
API for expenses data:
- '/api/expenses'
- '/' - GET, POST
- '/:id' - GET, PUT, DELETE
- '/api/expenses'
- Clone repo locally
- run
npm install
- run mongod in a new terminal
- run
nodemon server.js