Custom tag <tile> in Riot
<tile r='' t='std' z='2' x='3' y='1' e='png' w='gsimaps'></tile>
- r: root url. optional. default = ''
- t: theme. optional. default = std
- z: zoom. optional. default = 2
- x: x. optional. default = 3
- y: y. optional. default = 1
- e: extension. optional. default = 'png'
- w: web map service to be called when clicked. optional. default = ''. others = %w{}
- show the actual tile as img
- the tile number might be shown as annotation
- when the img is clicked, the location representing the center of the tile is shown in a web map, such as GSI Maps.
<tile y="2"></tile>
<tile t="pale"></tile>
<tile z='16' x='58241' y='25396'></tile>
<tile r='' t='none' w='' z='16' x='58241' y='25396'></tile>
<tile t='ort' z='16' x='58241' y='25396' e='jpg'></tile>