Make a metronome for Indian instruments such as Khol, kartal, etc.
For Kartal:
- 4 beat cycle: [[tin][tin][dha][-]]
- 3 beat cycle: [[tin][dha][-]]
For Mridanga
- 16 beat cycle: [[khi][- khi][na][dha] [ghe_soft][dha][ghe_soft][dha] [ghe][-][-][na] [te][te re][te re][na]]
- Filler (11 beats, 12th beat is the na (12th beat of 16 beat cycle); you may say the anchor is the 1st beat only): [[te re][khe ta][dha] [te re][khe ta][dha] [te re][khe ta][dha][-][-]]
- 8 beat cycle: [[ghe][-][na][pa] [-][ghe][dha][-]]