Welcome to my page!
I'm Madhu, Professional software developer,Architect from Bangalore 🇮🇳.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on developing Medical Imaging store on cloud using AWS services( EKS and Serverless technologies).
- 🌱 I’m currently exploring
- MQTT technology to provide configuration updates & simple request/response from Cloud to a services deployed in private on-premises systems.
- Centralized OAuth2 and OpenId Connect Auth-Proxy using YARP reverse proxy for EKS services via Ingress.
- Spiffe for authentication and authorization of service invocation with-in EKS cluster.
- 💬 Ask me about C#, .NET Core,ASP.NET Core,Java,SpringBoot,Containers, Docker,Kubernetes, AWS, Medical Imaging Standards( DICOM, FHIR, IHE).