🔭 I’m currently working on Ruby, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, TypeScript, Vue.js and more.
My blog 🇯🇵 : https://madogiwa0124.hatenablog.com/
- Ruby / Ruby on Rails / Sidekiq
- JavaScript / Vue.js / TypeScript / HTML / CSS / Sass(Scss)
- webpack / Vite / PostCSS
- MySQL / PostgreSQL / Redis
- GitHub / CircleCI / Docker
- spp : spp is super pretty print library.
- cron_config_parser : parse the cron configuration for readability.
- makanai : simple web application framework for learning.
- travel_to_javascript : provides a helper
that locks time in javascript. - active_record_json_explain : that allows you to obtain a json format explain.
- markdown_to_rspec : converts text in markdown format into text in RSpec format.
- okcomputer_html_view : better html view for okcomputer.
- aikotoba : Rails engine that makes it easy to implement simple email and password authentication.
- kombu : provide frontend component renderable for Ruby on Rails a.k.a. Kombu.
- multi-tab-markdown : markdown editor with multi tabbed functionality.
- rails-new-command-generator : This is a tool to help you generate a rails new command with the options you want.
- vite-plugin-rollbar-sourcemap: This is a Vite plugin for uploading Vite-generated Sourcemaps to Rolbar.
- postcss-plugin-add-encapsulation-selector : PostCSS plugin to add encapsulation selector.
- my_rails_template : My application template for Ruby on Rails.
- CameRuby : camelCase🐫 + Ruby💎 = 🐫CameRuby💎.
- JavaScriptGameExam : games made using JavaScript/TypeScript.
- rails-heroku-terraform : terraform template for running Rails on Heroku.
- pull-request-lead-time-measure-action : GitHub action to measure the time to close the last 100 pull requests.